
MySangi holds “Togetherness in person – Luncheon event”


Our Bureau
New Jersey

MySangi organized its first in person luncheon event of 2021 on Sunday, 27th of July at Akbar Restaurant, Edison, NJ. The theme of the event was: Let us Celebrate Togetherness in Person.  

The successful luncheon event was well attended by many enthusiastic members and sponsors – all just seemed eager to grab the very first opportunity to meet & greet and socialize in person after a prolonged, depressed, and at times heartbreaking pandemic period. Although all the participants were fully vaccinated, the outdoor venue seating at Akbar made it possible to comply with the NJ State Covid guidelines.

Rajul Shah, President and Founder of MySangi kicked off the event by welcoming all from the Tristate area and thanked the members for joining in person and celebrating this special event of Togethreness. She specially welcomed and thanked those attending for the first time. She introduced MySangi committee members and emphasized on the mission of the organization and its platform that provides an opportunity of meeting and socializing with others, networking, supporting each other, joining in workshops, and participating in other activities conducted by the organization. She requested Dr Kanan Patrawalla, Vice President to facilitate the program and lead the participants in celebrating the face to face gathering.  

To create the spirit of togetherness, Kanan asked the participants to introduce themselves and say few words about themselves sharing any interesting individual experiences. She motivated and encouraged everyone to meet at minimum one new person at the event whom they haven’t met before to start the networking process. As a retired Psychiatrist, she emphasized the importance of gradually developing the relationship with at least one or more contact that you can call anytime or even simply just call to say hello.  It eventually would lead to a circle of friends that you can count on to have conversation and/or to share common interests and activities, supporting each other.

While enjoying the delicious starters, the self-introduction session of participants started a dialogue with group members on interesting topics and the group interaction was noticeable, leading to the dynamics of togetherness that continued throughout the event.

The intermingling and interactions amongst members continued while enjoying delicious meal.

The members were informed on how to join MySangi’s on-line platform of a “Meet-Up Group” that provides an opportunity to meet and mingle with new people having similar interests and to participate in the activities like walking, hiking, picnics, travelling, etc. The luncheon gathering radiated lots of positive energy and provided connectivity through MySangi platform for the participants to explore new contacts to develop relationships and/or possible companionships, to share common interests and to resolve challenges to bring joy and happiness in each other’s lives and to support each other. Couple of participating members provided an impromptu entertainment by singing favorite Bollywood tunes entertaining the group and further lifting everyone’s spirit in a joyous gathering. 

Jayu Parikh, Program coordinator concluded the event by thanking individual sponsors for their support and all the members for attending and participating in the event. She encouraged all to visit MySangi website for upcoming events and activities and to spread the word about the organization and its activities.  

MySangi was established in 2016 as a nonprofit volunteer-based organization aimed at enhancing socialization and creating a support system for over 50-year age singles from Asian Indian community to find new friends, who may be facing similar situation. A team of about dozen likeminded volunteers are actively supporting and coordinating the activities to advance the cause of MySangi. All donations are tax deductible.  

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