
The Teacher’s Lounge is a thriller, No denial about it

By Mansi M. Toronto The Teacher’s Lounge, a thriller, was presented at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). The story revolves around a teacher, Carla (Leonie Benesch), who comes to teach at a German school only to get caught in a...


‘Bargain’ A South Korean Thriller at TIFF, a Treat to Watch

By Mansi M. Toronto Bargain is a thought-provoking thriller and indeed a cinematic experience that was presented at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Created by Byun Seungmin and directed by Jeon Woo-sung, the story begins with a simple scene...


South Asian Films screening at TIFF 2023

By Renu Mehta Toronto The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) takes place this year from September 7–17, 2023. The not-for-profit organization whose mission is to transform the way people see the world through film, is an international leader in film...


Sylvester Stallone to talk about his journey at TIFF

By Renu Mehta Toronto Sylvester Stallone will speak about his journey at TIFF’s In Conversation With…(ICW) series. Presented by Visa, the ICW series aims at harnessing film's power to inspire perspectives and profound change, according to Anita Lee, TIFF's Chief...


TIFF announces additional honorees for the TIFF Tribute Awards

Brazilian filmmaker Carolina Markowicz, Łukasz Žal, the Polish cinematographer and Andy Lau, an artist from Hong Kong will receive their respective TIFF Tribute Awards By Renu Mehta Toronto The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) has announced additional honorees for the...