
Kaajal Yadav, a Computer Programmer with a purpose, gets Aspire2STEAM scholarship


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Davenport, IA, known for its scholarship and recognition program for young women and girls aiming for careers in science, technology, engineering, the arts, or math (STEAM), has awarded Kaajal Yadav an ASPIRER scholarship.

Kaajal is a rising sophomore majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Data Science at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Jersey. “Kaajal is a computer programmer on a mission to one day build advanced user interfaces so that people can get the most out of their experience using technology platforms such as Google with even fewer delays and glitches while producing high-quality information,” said Cheryl O’Donoghue, Founder at Aspire2STEAM.

“Coding allows me to creatively apply logical reasoning to make the real world a little bit better for others. It is incredibly exciting and empowering,” said Kaajal Yadav.

Computer programming is a part of Kaajal’s everyday experience and identity. While she also enjoys playing sports, she tends to spend more time coding on her laptop than scrolling on her phone. “Coding has been a unique presence in my life,” said Kaajal. “It has been the first intellectual area I have stuck with that I have pursued from my own sheer will and interest.”

To lay a strong foundation for her college experience, Kaajal fully immersed herself in a variety of volunteer, extracurricular, and work activities. She co-founded a computer science program for young-minded individuals; served as a Rubisco STEM Mentorship Program Mentor (North Jersey Helyx Chapter); contributed to Teen Ink Nonfiction Academic Publication with her work “The Early Formation of Mathematics: Euclid’s Theories.”

Kaajal is a Kode with Klossy scholar in their curricula of Website Development, iOS Development, and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning. Additional academic distinctions include being a member of both the National Honor Society (High School Chapter) and National Math Honor Society (Mu Alpha Theta).

Also of note, Kaajal received the National Center for Women in Technology Award for Aspirations in Computing New Jersey Affiliate Award Honorable Mention, the SchoolHouse World Science Bowl Quiz Bowl Bronze, and Stevens Institute of Technology Mathematical Olympiad Certificate of Completion.

Kaajal hopes to implement algorithms in real-world situations and is “completely fascinated” by how Google Maps integrates algorithms to find quick routes. “Pursuing computer science grants, me a chance to create tools to impact humanity,” Kaajal said.

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