
Raj Singh Badhesha appointed as Superior Court’s judge in Fresno


Badhesha becomes the first Sikh to be appointed to the Fresno County bench

Our Bureau

Fresno, CA

Governor Gavin Newsom announced the appointment of Raj Singh Badhesha to serve as Fresno County Superior Court’s newest judge. He is currently serving as the Chief Assistant City Attorney in Fresno.

“Raj has been an instrumental part of my management team because of his broad-based knowledge of various aspects of the law and his ability to deal with sensitive situations with tact and poise,” said City Attorney Andrew Janz. “When I was appointed City Attorney, he quickly became my closest advisor and made my transition into this position seamless. Raj has all the qualities one hopes to find in a judge; he is open-minded, thoughtful, deliberate, well-researched, and diplomatic. While his broad legal experience and expertise is going to be a big loss to the City of Fresno, there is not a more fitting individual to serve Fresno County and the State of California with honesty and integrity.”

“I would like to thank Governor Gavin Newsom for having confidence in my ability to serve as a Fresno County Superior Court judge. After years of dedicated service to the Fresno community, including invaluable experience in the Fresno City Attorney’s Office and extensive volunteer work, I am honored to be appointed as a Fresno Superior Court Judge'” said Badhesha.

Since 2022, Badhesha has served as Chief Assistant in the Fresno City Attorney’s Office. He has served in various other roles in the CAO since 2012. He was an Associate at Baker Manock & Jensen from 2008 to 2012. Badhesha earned a Juris Doctor degree from the University of California College of the Law, San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings). He fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Jon N. Kapetan. Badhesha is the first Sikh appointee in the State who observes the practice of adorning the Sikh headdress known as the dastar or pagri.

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