
Pitching: Definition, Types and Tips in Startups and Business


Pitching is just part of our life or business, it is omnipresent. You may not be aware of it or may be (Representative photo)

 A pitch in business is typically used to sell an idea to customers, consumers, potential investors or partners

What is a pitch?

A pitch is a concise, short presentation of a product or an idea or in other words, it is a line of talk that is designed to coax someone, such as a presentation, to sell a service or a product. But it can also be about selling yourself, to gain newer clients or to promote your brand or business.

Types of pitches

There are different types of pitches, but they can generally be classified into two main categories: informal and formal.

Formal pitches are well-rehearsed typically and delivered in a professional atmosphere, such as to a bunch of potential investors. They are mostly very polished.

Informal pitches are less rehearsed typically and delivered in a more casual setting, such as to a family member or friend. They are often less polished and more personal.

What is a pitch in business ?

A pitch in business is typically used to sell an idea to customers, consumers, potential investors or partners. A decent pitch should be concise and persuasive. It needs to explain what the product is all about, how it is supposed to work, and why it is valuable. A pitch should address potential concerns and expectations that the customers may have.

What is a pitch in life?

A pitch in life is something that you do unconsciously and consciously

each day and many times a day.

For example-You pitch to your buddies to go out for a film! You go to lengths to explain why they should watch that film, what is so wonderful about it and also why they should watch it with you?

What to do to pitch yourself?

Pitching yourself is difficult. And figuring out how to talk about yourself in a way that’s both successful and authentic. It is even more difficult.

So, be it prepping for an interview for a job, pitching yourself for a side project or a side hustle, getting ready for a marketing or a networking event, or simply figuring out how to talk about yourself outside of your immediate family and friends, here is how you should get ready to nail.

4 TIPS to prepare yourself for Pitching in Business :

1. Find out What Is Your One Liner in Pitching –

In the corporate world, this is called the elevator pitch. You should be able to answer questions like “What do you do?” and “Who are you?” in a way that’s thrilling and pertinent to whoever you’re talking to and in one line.

2. Figure it out What Is Your Story in terms of your Character, Experiences and Motivation:

What are the experiences and defining moments of your life that got you where you are today and interested in doing the job that you’re pitching yourself for?

3. What Is Your “Why?” What value you can bring: Find out reasons behind this Pitch:

With this, you can clearly display the value you want to bring to this specific company or individual —which will make it that much easier for them to give you a “thumbs up”

4. Lastly, Why You? – Find out why you are the best for this pitch:

Because about pitching yourself, here is the thing: If you do not think you are worthy of it, no one else will think, either. And, of course, you do!

Final Thoughts: Pitching is just part of our life or business, it is omnipresent. You may not be aware of it or may be. You may pitch intentionally or you may pitch in oblivion. It is there, all the time.

The writer is a well-known Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer

Email: [email protected]

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