
GOPIO-CT elects new team at GBM, reports several social initiatives during pandemic


Chief Guest, India’s Consul General Randhir Kumar Jaiswal Speaking at the GOPIO-CT holiday party and fundraiser. (Image: GOPIO-CT)

The Connecticut chapter of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO-CT) organized its General Body Meeting (GBM) elected a new team on December 18. India’s Consul General in New York Randhir Kumar Jaiswal participated in the virtually held annual holiday party as Chief Guest. Jaiswal complimented GOPIO-CT for its work helping local service organizations. Stamford Mayor David Martin, also complimented GOPIO-CT for its work helping the local food pantries during the lockdown. Speaking on the occasion, GOPIO International’s Chairman Dr Thomas Abraham observed that GOPIO-CT is the most active chapter among over 100 worldwide. 

The new team is as follows:

Ashok Nichani was re-elected as the President for one more term. Other elected officials are Prasad Chintalapudi as Executive Vice President, Dr Jaya Daptadar as Vice President, Prachi Narayan as Secretary, Meera Banta as Joint Secretary and Viresh Sharma as Treasurer.  GBM also reelected two trustees, Dr Thomas Abraham and Neelam Narang.

In his report to the GBM, Nichani said that in spite of the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown, GOPIO-CT did “some outstanding work” in helping local food pantries and providing KN95 masks for frontline workers.

Major activities for the year, which Secretary Rajneesh listed, included serving the local community and institutions during the pandemic and lockdown. These included delivering food items to frontline healthcare workers at Stamford Hospital, donating cash and replenishing food items for the homeless and needy at New Covenant House in Stamford, Lower Fairfield County Food Pantry, and Food Bank of Lower Fairfield. In addition, the chapter imported KN95 masks and donated to Wilton Meadow Healthcare facility in Wilton, Connecticut and Stamford Hospital. The chapter participated in the annual walkathon fundraiser for Bennett Cancer Center at the Stamford Hospital.

GOIO-CT also celebrated India’s 74th Independence Day in August and the annual Diwali celebration on Zoom, conducted an interactive meeting with Congressman Jim Himes, and organized a webinar on major changes on US taxes and financial / retirement planning.

The fundraiser netted $5,000 to give to the local service organization Building One Community of Stamford, which helps new immigrants in the state.

The chapter’s new Vice President Prasad Chintalapudi coordinated and chaired the program while Nandita Suvarna proposed a vote of thanks.

GOPIO operates to promote awareness of Indian culture, customs and contributions of PIOs through community programs, forums, events and youth activities, and to strengthen partnerships and create an ongoing dialogue with local communities. GOPIO-CT was established 14 years ago.

Source: Press release

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