Ravi Sharma leads the IIT Alumni Council as its President, with a network of over 50,000 IITians across the globe and is Chairman of Telecom Equipment Manufacturing Association
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A highly-motivating speech by Ravi Sharma, who was chief guest at the recently-held 84th convocation at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), has gone viral on social media, with many commentators on YouTube posting it with their comments, while asking their followers to listen to the “must-watch video”.
Sharma, Chairperson of Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Association of India, delivered an inspiring address as he shared his mantras of success with the students and their parents present at the event. An accomplished CEO, Sharma is now a mentor and philanthropist with a mission of “Spreading Goodness” by supporting initiatives towards Sustainable Society, inclusive Education and Spirituality.
At TISS, Sharma began his speech by expressing his gratitude to the institute he owes his success to. “I was fortunate to have more Educators than Teachers as I got admission in IIT Roorkee,” said Sharma in his opening remarks. Having reached pinnacle of corporate success, he explained the rationale of quitting at the age of 50, “I realized the importance of sharing and increasing the fortune of others. As we all are product of our definitions, exposure and ability to learn, three key aspects of life – more awareness brings out life changing perspectives.”
Recalling, similar incidents of giving same amount of alms, Rs. 100 to a beggar, three years apart in his early career with more than triple salary made him wonder, “Am I getting richer or poorer?” So, he decided to be a really rich person.
At 45 years of age with a glorious career, he began to question himself, “What am I doing? And why am I doing so?” Elaborating good work and what is a big job, he defined, “What you do selflessly for others, is truly a big job. And I decided to be a bigger person and left the job. Remember, that life is not a 100 m race, it’s a marathon. Even if you see people crossing you in a race, do not worry.”
Silence waited for 350 CXOs at an award function, when he asked them, “How many would like to work in companies which does not have Vision and Mission? How many of you have written your Vision and Mission of Life?” He then advised all graduating students, “If there is a destination, you have chances to reach there and if not, you will keep running.”
He described an Indian paradox, where every Indian is in a hurry but no one is on time. “Can you see the loss of direction? As India was ruled by outsiders, Indians only think in terms of having lost time and wants to make up for it and made their life activity oriented not purpose driven. As China, a closed country, opened up, Chinese mentality was to focus on lost opportunities. So, Chinese plan well and capture the opportunity.”
Ravi outlined his philosophy citing success or failure of startups, “Whatever you try, you may succeed or fail, but whatever you truly decide will happen. As your mind stops wavering and stays focused, it is a big differentiator.”

Sharma made his modest and rural background into a corner stone of success by deciding to change his life with actions that supports and rewards goodness—a unique trait that defines him. A distinguished Alumni of IIT Roorkee and one of the youngest CEOs of Telecom MNC in India, Ravi Sharma served for 13 years as CEO for globally ranked largest Telecom and Power companies. A transformational leader with out-of-box approach, he is known for performance culture and growth.
At the peak of his career at the age of 50, Sharma left the corporate world to dedicate to philanthropy. He established “Mission Chetna,” that created and nurtured 70 NGOs across India with over 10 million beneficiaries in 11 states of India. He founded the Prama Jyoti Foundation, transforming schools in the hinterland of India. Ravi Sharma established Subodhanand Foundation, in memory of his spiritual Guru, to spread the knowledge of Vedas.
Sharma is leading the IIT Alumni Council as its President, with a network of over 50,000 IITians across globe and is Chairman of Telecom Equipment Manufacturing Association (TEMA); Chairperson — Board of Governors for Indian Institute of Information of Technology Una (HP) and Nagpur (Maharashtra).
A published poet of Hindi poems – Bheegi Ret (Wet Sand) — Sharma also modeled for Raymond and Mitsubishi besides writing lyrics of “Moonlight Whispers” album by Times Music.
In his speech at TISS, Sharma outlined his Mantra for Success, “Any person may know about, may understand or can learn in life. Knowing is how many types of Yoga exist, Understanding is how Yoga benefits but actually doing Yoga is true learning. Whose life changes, who learns and gets to the essence of it and adopts in life.”
To accomplish greatness, “First, learn fast. Second, learn to learn fast. Thirdly, learn to learn to learn fast. Look for excellence and learn to handle failures and success, both. The secret lies in the human qualities of caring and sharing.”
“There are two indexes namely GDP and PPP which can measure India’s success as a developed nation. Gross Domestic Product, a global standard is not the real lens for knowing the condition and status of a society. I always advocate PPP,” said Sharma.
“First P stands for Poverty. What is the level of poverty of the bottom 5% or 10% of the country? Second P is for Pollution. What is the state of pollution in your air, water and soil? And, the last P is for Personal Social Responsibility. What is the sensitivity, we have towards fellow Indians, fellow human beings and the nature? That is what defines a country as a developed nation. Work with people and make these PPP better,” said Sharma, advising the students to realize the dream of “Viksit Bharat.”
“The end result is, shrinking goodness in the world on want of appreciation,” quipped Sharma. In last 40 years, he said, general sense of safety outside our homes has diminished, as goodness is not assured in Indian society. Therefore, “I decided to dedicate my life for spreading goodness. Just the way, we protect the environment, I decided to safeguard the smaller plants of goodness. We looked for and supported people who are working selflessly for society and grow them into NGOs. So, that the goodness survives.”
Ravi Sharma’s message of goodness resonated very well with the gathering at TISS as he received multiple rounds of applause. Now the speech is circulating on social media, taking his message to a much wider audience across the country and beyond.