
Let’s Talk About Immigration


Chitra Balachandran

By Chitra Balachandran

Republican talking points about immigration often focus on issues like a porous southern border, immigrant crime, and Kamala Harris’s role in border policy. However, these claims don’t hold up against the facts.

The number of migrants crossing the border has significantly decreased, thanks in part to President Biden’s executive action that limited asylum claims and Mexico’s increased border enforcement. As for crime, studies show that immigrants, including undocumented ones, are generally more law-abiding than native-born citizens. There’s little evidence to support the claim that undocumented immigrants commit more crimes.

Kamala Harris, contrary to Republican claims, was never assigned as a “border czar.” Her role focused on addressing the root causes of migration from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Through public-private partnerships, over $4.2 billion was generated to create economic opportunities in these countries, helping stabilize migration from the region. She also launched anti-corruption and anti-smuggling task forces in cooperation with Mexico and Guatemala.

Visiting the border in Arizona recently, Kamala Harris outlined her approach to immigration. Pointing out that we are a nation of immigrants, she nevertheless showed strong support for more funding for border security and modernizing the infrastructure at the port of entry in Douglas, Arizona.

She said, “I strongly supported the comprehensive border security bill written last year by a bipartisan group of senators including one of the most conservative members of the United States Congress. That bill would’ve hired 1500 more border agents and officers. It would’ve paid for 100 inspection machines to detect fentanyl that is killing tens of thousands of Americans every year. It would have allowed us to more quickly and effectively remove those who come here illegally and it would have increased the number of immigration judges and asylum officers. It was the strongest border security bill we have seen in decades. It was endorsed by the Border Patrol Union and it should be in effect today producing results in real time right now for our country.”

This bipartisan border bill was derailed by Senate Republicans because Former President Trump urged them to reject it, fearing it would give President Biden and Vice President Harris a political win. This is a clear example of political gamesmanship trumping national interest.

The Biden/Harris administration has taken substantial action, with 535 executive measures addressing border and interior enforcement, immigration courts, and humanitarian protection. Their multi-pronged approach also includes working with Latin American countries to curb migration, providing legal paths to entry, and addressing the backlog in immigration courts.

While challenges remain, especially with stretched resources, a comprehensive approach is necessary—one that transcends political partisanship and focuses on the nation’s well-being. Kamala Harris understands that we can have a strong approach to illegal immigration without demonizing all immigrants, many of whom, like our community of South Asians, have contributed enormously to the growth and prosperity of the American economy, society, and culture.

Chitra Balachandran is an amateur ceramist and an avid yoga practitioner who loves to travel and commune with nature. Chitra has been volunteering for the Democratic Party, starting with door-door canvassing with her parents since President Obama’s campaign. She never misses an opportunity to volunteer through door knocking, phone banking, or postcard writing at the local, state, and federal levels.

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