
Over 150 US Senators and Representatives expected at ITServe Alliance’s Capitol Hill Day on July 18th-19th


Our Bureau
Washington, DC

 “Following the success of our virtual Capitol Hill events in 2021 and 2022, ITServe Alliance is excited to host its first-ever in-person Capitol Hill Day in Washington, DC on July 18th-19th, 20023,” said Siva Moopanar, Director of ITServe Alliance Policy Advocacy Committee (PAC). “The conference will have participation by over 150 US Representatives and Senators, including influential committee chairs and members, whose decisions impact our businesses.”

Established a year ago, ITServe Connected PAC’s major goal has been to educate lawmakers and the greater community, using digital and traditional methods on the benefits of the H1-B program and eliminate misconceptions by meeting, collaborating, and lobbying with Congressmen and Senators to work together to help write and amend laws that are favorable to our members’ business interests.

ITServe Alliance has been consistently working to protect the needs of its members,” said Sateesh R. Nagilla, Connected PAC Board Chair. To that end, ITServe Alliance has been Lobbying with the Lawmakers on behalf of its members on Capitol Hill and with the US Administration.  Capitol Day will be the perfect way for ITServe Alliance to use its collective voice to communicate with policymakers on the issues that are important to our members. 

According to the organizers, a Congressional Reception is planned to be held on July 18th from 5 pm to 7 pm. The daylong event on July 19th from 9 am to 5 pm will feature Capitol Hill Meetings with interactive sessions with US Congressmen and Senators.

A major objective of Capitol Hill Day is to showcase to the lawmakers some of the significant contributions of the ITServe members to the country’s economy through Technology & Innovation, local employment, and STEM education. The event will also address key concerns faced by small businesses, including high-skilled immigration reform.

Stressing the need for and importance of ITServe, Vinay Mahajan, President of ITServe said, “ITServe Alliance’s Capitol Hill Day will serve as a powerful platform in educating policymakers on the issues that are important to our members and the business community, ensuring our needs and views are reflected in policy debates and outcomes.”

ITServe’s vision has been to empower local communities by creating, retaining, and fostering employment opportunities within the United States. Moreover, ITServe is committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and actively contributes to local communities nationwide, particularly in the realm of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education.

Among the several initiatives, ITserve has supported the HIRE ACT Bill (High Skilled Immigration Reform for Employment), introduced in Congress in December 2022. Innovation, STEM education, and avoiding brain drain are the highlights of the Bill. It has advocated to have the STEM graduates with U.S master’s Degrees and/or Ph.D. holders from the H1-B CAP quota removed and make it unlimited to retain the top talent & innovation in the Country.”

Another area, where ITServe has focused is the STEM Program to promote the “American Ingenuity Account” to fund State-administered grants for STEM education and worker training.  Enhancing the current H1-B CAP limits – from   65,000 to 130,000 per year has been a major area where ITServe has placed its efforts in the past years.  

Urging ITServe members to be active and work collaboratively in making this important event successful, Vinod Babu Uppu, ITServe Governing Board Chair said, “It’s our collective voice. I call upon every member to be part of this important event, advocate for ITServe, and make our voices heard in the corridors of power. Also, if you have a relationship with a member of Congress or their staff, please enter that information too.  Through your help, we will be able to accomplish our goals through grassroots and advocacy.”

Jagadeesh Mosali, President-Elect of ITServe, while summarizing the importance of Capitol Hill Day said, “ITServe Alliance is consistently working to protect its members’ needs. To that end, ITServe Alliance, through its PAC team, is advocating on Capitol Hill and with the Administration.  ITServe Alliance will use its collective voice to communicate with policymakers on important issues to its members.”

ITServe Alliance comprises small and medium-sized businesses that fulfill the growing demand for highly skilled professionals in America. Its members play a crucial role in developing and maintaining essential IT systems for corporations, governments, and various organizations.

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