
India’s Outreach to Revitalize Sub-regionalism

This viewpoint examines the diplomatic ramifications of Prime Minister Modi’s third consecutive term inauguration ceremony, delving into its implications for the resurgence of subregional cooperation in South Asia and the Indian Ocean Region Subodh Chandra Bharti The National Democratic Alliance...


Spring Jobs Spring Will Lead to a Summer of Opportunity

For our young people, especially young people of color, we are helping them discover their passion through our Pathways to an Inclusive Economy, Summer Rising, and Summer Youth Employment programs. And our Green Economy Action Plan is building an economy...


How to stay sane as political polarization haunts our personal lives

Comments from a cross-section of people in America and India. by Parveen Chopra Editor, ALotusInTheMud.com Being editor of ALotusInTheMud.com does not make me immune to getting affected by political polarization. At a recent family get-together in India, the conversation veered to politics,...