
VHP, Chicago organizes “Soul of Kashi” musical event for “Support a Child” Program


'Soul of Kashi" Musical and Instrumental Jugal Bandi performance - Photo by Jayanti Oza

Our Bureau

Chicago, IL

Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Chicago Chapter hosted 2024 Annual Support a Child Program titled ‘Soul of Kashi’ with Pandit Ashok Pandey ji (Tabla) Pandit Sukhdev Prasad Mishra  (Violin) Jai Pandey Kokil (Vocalist), Shree Pandey (Tabla and Percussion) Sushri Mira Tripathi  (Vocalist) and Yashpal  (Keyboard) at Rana Regan Centre in Carol Stream IL, which was attended by 150 People.

Support a Child Program is to support underprivileged and less fortunate Children In India (Bharat) for a complete 1 year at $250.

Lamp lighting performed by  Harendra Mangrola (VHPA Chicago Chapter President),  Amitabh Mittal (General Secy VHPA), Mr Haribhai Patel (President Bhartiya Senior Citizens of Chicago), Mr Nimish Jani (Community Leader) – Photo by Jayanti Oza

The Program was inaugurated with Lamp Lighting by  Harendra Mangrola  (VHPA Chicago Chapter President), Haribhai Patel (President Bhartiya Senior Citizens of Chicago), Nimish Jani (Community Leader) and Amitabh Mittal (General Secretary VHPA). Nimisha Patel (Program Coordinator) talked about Support a Child Program and made an Appeal for Donations and after that invited the Artists to start their performance.

The performance was started by Jai Pandey Kokil ji with Mahadev Prayer then Prabhu Shri Ram ji’s Bhajan followed by Lord Krishna Bhajan. Later on, Swar Kokila Sushri Mira Tripathi sang Meri Jhopri ke Bhag aaj khul Jayenge, Ram Aayenge. Both artists got brilliant support on the Keyboard from Yashpal, Shree Pandey on Tabla and from Pandit Sukhdev on Violin.

VHPA Chicago volunteers with ‘Soul of Kashi’ Group – Photo by Jayanti Oza

Next, it was Jugal Bandi of Pandit Ashok Pandey on Tabla and Pandit Sukhdev Prasad Mishra on Violin. The audience was spellbound and completely immersed in the performance.

Finally, the program featured 1960 to 70’s Bollywood songs and numbers which were thoroughly enjoyed by the audience.

The donation appeal was made by Haribhai Patel and Amitabh Mittal as the Chicago Chapter is providing support to 40 students. Nirav K Patel gave a vote of thanks expressing gratitude to everyone who donated, to the Audience and Media personnel, Jayanti Oza, Vandana Jhingan (TV ASIA), and to I-USA.

VHPA Seva Projects – Photo by Jayanti Oza

The scintillating program concluded with a delicious dinner.

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