
BSC, Chicago enjoys a Fun-filled Annual Picnic


BSC members enjoying the picnic - photo by Jayanti Oza

Our Bureau

Chicago, IL

More than 1,200 BSC members, friends and well-wishers participated in the Picnic that was held on 23rd June 2024 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm with BSC committee members and other volunteers arriving even earlier to prepare for this enjoyable and fun-oriented Picnic. The planning for holding this picnic and creating a nice experience for more than 1,200 members was an ardent task and it started a week before. The whole event and an engaging Picnic were handled well by BSC President Haribhai Patel.

Registration desk for the Picnic – photo by Jayanti Oza

The food team planned an exquisite blend of tastes and flavors from India and was ready to accept any challenge. The menu was full of delicacies like donuts, chips, salsa, peanut butter, Jelly, and bread for kids. As usual, the team served Indian traditional fresh Gota (Bhajiya), Tea, Coffee, Papadi, Chatni, Kadhi, Marcha, Onion, and Jalebi. Tasty food and snacks provided by the BSC Committee and food team throughout the first half from 9 am to 12:30 pm were an essential ingredient of this wonderful picnic that was enjoyed by all the seniors.

Food committee, ready to serve – photo by Jayanti Oza

As the weather was hot, igloos were used to supply water, cold drinks, coconut water, Mango lassie, Vadilal’s kulfi, ice cream, watermelon and snowball to make the Picnic hugely successful and devoid of any heat-related issues. During lunch time between 1 pm to 2 pm, BSC served Pav Bhaji, Chhas, and Gulab Jamun.

Working committee team leaders behind the successful Picnic – photo by Jayanti Oza

The Picnic would not have been complete without entertainment, games and dance. Throughout the Picnic, all members played many traditional Indian games and enjoyed playing Bingo, Music cap and dancing to the tunes of traditional Garba. The winning members were presented with lovely prizes.

The game committee organizing Fun-filled games – photo by Jayanti Oza

In the end, the BSC President thanked all the sponsors, DJ Ajay Makwana, and caterer URU Swati Food for making this Picnic, a memorable event for the members.

Uru Swati team behind the tasty treat at the Picnic – photo by Jayanti Oza

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