
US Congress in awe, offer multiple rounds of standing ovation to PM Modi’s address to the joint session


He calls for action on terrorism, respect for the principles of the UN, and highlights the role of democracy and the Indian diaspora in the growth

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s inspirational address to the US Congress generated multiple standing ovations, applauses, and cheers from American lawmakers and chants of ‘Modi, Modi’ from the Indian diaspora sitting in the grand House Chamber at the US Capitol. Modi became the first Indian leader to address the joint session of the US Congress twice, having done that before in 2016.

Modi was greeted with a rousing reception as lawmakers stood up and applauded. Modi waved to the diaspora in the galleries before starting his address. He was applauded and offered multiple rounds of standing ovations from US lawmakers.

During his address, PM Narendra Modi called for action against sponsors of terrorism, by highlighting that more than two decades after 9/11 and more than a decade after 26/11 in Mumbai, radicalism and terrorism still remain a pressing danger for the whole world.

Prime Minister Modi also made a veiled reference to China, emphasizing that the global order is based on respect for the principles of the UN Charter, peaceful resolution of disputes, and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. On the Ukraine conflict, Modi said, “This is not an era of war. But it is one of dialogue and diplomacy.”

Representing 1.4 billion Indians, Modi said, “Democracy has evolved over a long time and taken various forms and systems. Throughout history, however, one thing has been clear, democracy is the spirit that supports equality and dignity. Democracy is the idea that welcomes debate and discourse.”

To highlight the role of the Indian diaspora in the growth of the US, Modi said, “There are millions here, who have roots in India. Some of them sit proudly in this chamber. There is one behind me, who has made history.” referring to Kamala Harris, whose mother hailed from Chennai.

Modi’s address ended with a prolonged standing ovation and applause from the lawmakers and members of the Indian-American community.

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