
Harish Thakkar re-elected AIA-NY President

Our Bureau New York The Associations of Indians In America (AIA) NY, the oldest and largest association of Asian Indians in America unanimously elected its new president Harish Thakkar and the new board for the year 2021-2022. President ElectHarish Thakkar...


Covid-19 Crisis: Operation Help India

From Houston to California, Indian groups pitch in with ventilators, oxygen concentrators and money Indo-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston sends aid; Gandhian Foundation receives fund, and Indiaspora raises $ 1million for support Our Bureau New York The Indo-American...


COVID-19 CRISIS: ‘Operation Send Help to India’

US determined to give support amid COVID-19 surge, says Kamala Harris; AAPI writes to 100 US Senators urging release of Astra Zeneca vaccines to India Our Bureau Washington, DC India is in a desperate situation, pleading with countries around the...


Pramila Jaypal says US has moral responsibility on India pandemic

Our Bureau Washington, DC Pramila Jaypal, an Indian-American Congresswoman has said that US has moral responsibility to help India to fight out COVID-19 situation in India. Jaypal is the first and the only India-American in the house of US representatives....