
PM Modi’s Visit to US: Community leaders applaud and celebrate historic moment


Dr Dattareyudu Nori
Senior Advisor to Government of Andhra Pradesh

As an NRI oncologist, a Padma Shree awardee, and someone who has worked to address the issue of cancer in India, I find myself keenly interested in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the United States this week.

From my perspective, rooted in years of observing and brokering global health collaborations between the United States and India, I see immense potential for both nations. The US and India have a history of cooperation in medical research and healthcare initiatives. I hope this visit will further strengthen these ties, perhaps leading to joint efforts in tackling global health challenges or advancing medical technologies.

Beyond healthcare, I’m optimistic about the broader implications of this visit. As an NRI who has seen India’s growth from a distance, I believe the country is poised to play a crucial role on the world stage. The US, recognizing India’s strategic importance, seems eager to cultivate this partnership. I hope to see concrete steps towards cooperation in areas like technology, clean energy, and defense.

However, as a physician trained to look at things objectively, I also recognize the challenges. The two countries have had differences on various issues, from trade policies to geopolitical alignments. It’s crucial that these discussions address these concerns openly and work towards mutually beneficial solutions.

What I find most encouraging is the people-to-people connection between our nations. As an Indian-American, I’ve seen firsthand how cultural exchanges and diaspora connections have enriched both societies. I hope this visit will foster more such interactions, perhaps through educational exchanges or collaborative research programs.

In conclusion, while I may not be an expert in international relations, my years of experience have taught me the value of collaboration and mutual understanding. As Modi meets with US leaders, I hope they’ll lay the groundwork for a partnership that goes beyond immediate strategic interests – one that contributes to global peace, health, and prosperity. The potential is immense, and as someone who has always believed in the power of cooperation, I’m cautiously optimistic about what this visit might achieve for both nations.

Mahender Musuku
Secretary, Hindu American Temple and Cultural Center

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s upcoming visit is highly anticipated, as it will likely focus on strengthening India’s global standing, trade relations, and diplomatic ties. As it is UN visit the focus will kore on global than US relations, although I am sure there will be lot of bipartisan discussions especially with US.  His overseas visits have often served as platforms to highlight India’s economic growth, emerging technological innovations, and strategic geopolitical role. I expect this visit to continue that trend, with Modi focusing on further cementing alliances that can boost India’s infrastructure and defense capabilities.

One of the key areas I hope to see addressed is climate change and sustainability. India has a crucial role to play in the global fight against climate change, and any discussions that foster international collaboration on this front would be incredibly valuable. I’m also eager to see how this visit might influence India’s position in key multilateral organizations, such as the UN and G20, especially with India hosting the G20 summit this year.

Moreover, Prime Minister Modi has shown a keen interest in bolstering India’s tech and startup ecosystem. A strong emphasis on fostering partnerships in cutting-edge technologies like AI, green energy, and space exploration would be another significant outcome I’m expecting.

Overall, this visit has the potential to deepen India’s diplomatic relationships and position the country as a forward-thinking, influential player on the world stage. I hope he also raise the issues faced by Indians across the world and USA.

Avinash Gupta
President, FIA

We are very excited about Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the United States. The highly anticipated visit is very important in light of the ongoing geopolitical developments where two countries can play a key role in addressing these developments.

The expected QUAD meeting will be one of the highlights when Narendra Modi will be meeting with his counterparts from the US, Japan and Australia. The grouping has become increasingly important in addressing regional security concerns, promoting free and open Indo-Pacific, and countering challenges posed by China’s growing influence.

The Prime Minister’s visit will also deepen the ties between India and the U.S.  The world’s two largest democracies are natural allies and have seen significant growth in trade, defense cooperation, and technology exchange in recent years. The two nations are committed to maintaining a rules-based international order.

Modi should raise the issue of easing H-1B visas for Indians and emphasize economic collaboration. With the global economy facing uncertainties, Modi should seek to strengthen trade ties and attract American investments in sectors such as renewable energy, healthcare, and digital technology. Initiatives like the India-U.S. Economic and Financial Partnership can play a crucial role in facilitating this exchange.

Ultimately, Modi’s visit represents a pivotal moment in solidifying the partnership between India and the U.S. It is an opportunity to address pressing global challenges collectively and to lay the groundwork for a more secure and prosperous future in the Indo-Pacific region. The outcomes of this visit could significantly influence regional stability and the global balance of power.

Dr Satheesh Kathula
President, AAPI

American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) welcomes India’s Honorable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, on his visit to the United States. This momentous occasion reflects the ever-growing partnership between India and the U.S., and the strong bond shared between these two great nations.

AAPI, representing over 100,000 Indian-American physicians, is deeply honored to be a part of this historic moment. Our members have made significant contributions to the healthcare system in the U.S. while remaining deeply connected to their roots in India. Prime Minister Modi’s leadership has transformed India into a global leader in healthcare, technology, and innovation, and we, as a professional community, are excited to contribute further to this vision.

During his visit, we anticipate discussions and initiatives that will foster enhanced collaboration in areas of mutual interest, such as healthcare, medical research, and public health infrastructure. With the Indian diaspora playing a crucial role in both nations, Prime Minister Modi’s visit offers an opportunity to strengthen this dynamic relationship and explore new avenues for growth and cooperation.

AAPI remains committed to advancing healthcare standards, improving patient care, and promoting cultural ties between the U.S. and India. We are particularly eager to explore opportunities for collaborative work in areas like medical education, public health initiatives, and global health challenges.

Prime Minister Modi’s visit marks a significant chapter in India-U.S. relations, and AAPI stands ready to support initiatives that will enhance healthcare and contribute to the overall progress of both nations.

Vinay Mahajan
Past President, ITSERVE BOARD

Looking forward to PM Modi’s three-day visit to the US. We hope this visit will be a catalyst for growth in cooperation between US and Indian IT industry specifically between small and medium businesses with a focus on innovation, startups and Artificial Intelligence.

Inderpal Chhabra
President of AAPIQLI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visits to New York hold significant diplomatic, economic, and cultural importance, impacting both India’s global standing and its diaspora in the U.S. His participation in multilateral forums like the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) emphasizes India’s commitment to global issues such as climate change, security, and sustainable development.

Modi’s bilateral meetings with U.S. leaders strengthen the strategic partnership between the two nations, focusing on areas like defense, counter-terrorism, and trade. His engagement with global CEOs and business leaders promotes initiatives like “Make in India,” encouraging foreign investment and economic collaboration in sectors like technology, energy, Health and infrastructure.

For the Indian diaspora, the Prime Minister’s visits boost cultural pride and identity. His public addresses celebrate their contributions, fostering a sense of unity. Long Island is home to over 150,000 people who call India their country of origin. It is a matter of pride for us at AAPIQLI that the Prime Minister will be welcomed here. AAPIQLI represents the prominent physician community of Queens, Long Island and Brooklyn.

The upcoming U.S. elections are a significant moment for the Indian diaspora, with one candidate having maternal Indian roots and the potential Vice President’s wife also being of Indian origin.

The diaspora plays a vital role in enhancing India’s soft power, contributing to areas like technology, healthcare, and academia. Modi’s outreach also encourages philanthropic efforts, with the diaspora increasingly involved in supporting India’s social development through education, healthcare, and disaster relief.

In conclusion, Modi’s visits to New York strengthen India’s global image, enhance diplomatic ties, and empower the Indian diaspora to contribute to India’s growth and international aspirations. These visits underscore the interconnectedness between India and its diaspora, helping shape India’s path as a global leader.

Prudvi Chintareddy
President, ICA

Prime Minister Modi’s upcoming visit is highly anticipated, especially from the perspective of the Indian community in the USA. As the president of the Indo-American Community Alliance (ICA), I have the privilege of engaging with Indian Americans at various levels. ICA’s foundation rests on four key pillars: Youth, Women, Business, and Golden Agers. Each group has specific expectations from this visit, hoping for initiatives that strengthen the bond between the Indian community in the US and India while fostering growth.

Youth are excited about discussions on education, technology, and innovation. Young Indian Americans hope for increased collaboration between Indian and U.S. universities, as well as initiatives that encourage entrepreneurial ventures. With India’s rise as a tech hub, young people look forward to cross-border innovation and career development.

Women are optimistic that PM Modi will highlight the critical role of women in India’s growth and continue to advocate for gender equality. They seek more support for female entrepreneurs, expanded STEM opportunities for women, and collaboration on health and education issues affecting women in both countries.

The Business community views his visit as an opportunity to deepen economic ties. Many Indian Americans, successful entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders are eager to hear PM Modi’s plans on trade, investment, and technology partnerships. Expanding business between the U.S. and India could foster job creation and economic growth.

Golden Agers hope that Modi will recognize their contributions and help reinforce ties with India. They are interested in hearing PM Modi’s thoughts on dual citizenship, improved access to travel, healthcare, and cultural exchange.

Overall, the Indian community sees Modi’s visit as a chance to strengthen relationships, encourage growth, and solidify cultural and economic ties between both nations.

Rakesh Sharma
Secretary, Hindu Physicians International, USA, and Chief Advisor, Indo-American Festivals, NY

Prime Minister Modi’s visit includes QUAD Summit in Delaware, with President Biden, a series of important meeting in New York, United Nation address and a pact Indian diaspora event on Sunday at Nassau Coliseum in Long Island, where he will address the Indian American community.

PM Modi’s participation in highly anticipated QUAD Summit in Delaware will be the most important part of his US visit. This is a critical platform for corporation between four nations of QUAD. This is extremely important for Indo-Pacific strategy and for India to prove to the world that India is a major player in global diplomacy. This summit will also explore the opportunities in areas of technology, security and climate change.

Diaspora event on September 22nd at Nassau Coliseum will reinforce strong connection between India and Diaspora in US. Indian diaspora not only plays a vital role in fostering US-India relations but also influence US policies in favor of India. A strong diaspora creates a chance of greater economic and social integration between the two nations. Diaspora influences politics of host country (USA) in favor of our country of origin (India). Indian-Americans help in lobbying India’s interest not only in USA but around the globe. Positive impact of diaspora is making Indian government closer to Indian-American and this way they both benefit from each other. PM Modi will do exactly that by addressing in Nassau Coliseum. Diaspora will make huge investment into their home countries and will also help transferring advanced technology to India.

By addressing UN on September 23rd, PM Modi will reestablish himself as global leader. This will impact the future decisions on different issues that members of United Nations will make. India is also looking to be permanent member of UN and Modi’s presence is a step towards that.

I do not expect PM to discuss domestic policies of India during his address to Indian-Americans but I do want him to take away good experiences of us living in USA and try to explain to people back home that laws, orders, corruption free society and patriotic approach and is absolute necessity if Indians want to have much better living standards in India.

Anupama Jain
Trusty, Jain Center of America

The Indian diaspora has high expectations for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s upcoming visit to the USA, focusing on various issues that directly impact our lives and India’s global standing.

We hope that Modi will secure trade agreements that boost economic growth and create jobs. With rising geopolitical tensions, particularly concerning China and regional security threats, we anticipate a focus on defense cooperation. We also expect Modi to strengthen military ties with the U.S. to ensure national security and regional stability.

Modi is expected to advocate for collaborative efforts on renewable energy and climate change initiatives. We hope for commitments that will support India’s sustainability goals and address environmental challenges.

There is a strong expectation that Modi will engage with American companies to promote job creation in India, especially in technology and innovation sectors. The public hopes for partnerships that will facilitate technology transfer and skill development.

Following the pandemic, there is significant anticipation for discussions on healthcare collaboration, including vaccine distribution, research partnerships, and investments in the healthcare sector to improve public health systems in India.

Cultural and people-to-people connections are also a priority. The Indian diaspora in the USA is significant, and many expect Modi to strengthen cultural ties and facilitate exchanges in education, arts, and technology, promoting a positive image of India globally.

We also anticipate that Modi will address key global concerns such as terrorism, cybersecurity, and trade imbalances, and we hope for firm stances in support of India’s interests on platforms like the United Nations.

In summary, we, as Indian Americans, expect Prime Minister Modi’s visit to yield tangible benefits across economic, security, and social dimensions, ultimately enhancing India’s position on the global stage and improving the quality of life for its citizens.

Harshad Patel
Community leader, Umiya Mata Temple

I met Narendra Modi in 2004 in his Office. Prime Minister Modi loves tourism. To bring more tourism from all countries. PM Modi always focuses on tourism and on the growth of our country. And make India the Number 3 economy in the world.

Dr. Archana Kokroo
President, CEO and Chairperson, Kashmiri Overseas Association- USA

The Kashmiri Pandit community has placed significant expectations on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government to address long-standing concerns of Kashmiri Pandits and ensure their safety and justice in Kashmir. One of the foremost demands is the “Ghar Wapsee” initiative, aimed at creating a secure and conducive environment that allows displaced families to return home without fear. This requires robust measures to ensure law and order, as well as comprehensive rehabilitation programs that foster community integration and peace.

Additionally, the community seeks justice for the families of Kashmiri Pandits who were tragically killed by terrorists during the peak of the insurgency. The expectation is that the government will pursue a relentless campaign to bring these perpetrators to justice, restoring faith in the legal system and ensuring accountability for heinous acts.

Moreover, the plight of Kashmiri Pandits currently residing in camps in Jammu remains a pressing concern. Many families continue to languish in these makeshift accommodations, facing economic hardships and social marginalization. The community looks to the Modi administration for tangible improvements in their living conditions, including better housing, education, and employment opportunities. A comprehensive approach that combines security, justice, and socio-economic upliftment is crucial for addressing the grievances of Kashmiri Pandits and ensuring their rightful place in the region’s future. By fulfilling these expectations, the government can not only foster a sense of belonging and security among the community but also contribute to the broader stability and peace in Kashmir. The effective implementation of these measures will serve as a testament to the government’s commitment to the welfare of all its citizens, especially those who have faced decades of turmoil and displacement.

Priya Samant
CEO and Co-Founder, Abris Inc

I am hopeful that Prime Minister Modi’s upcoming visit will further strengthen the vibrant US-India relationship across multiple sectors, particularly in technology, trade, and security. As the CEO and Co-Founder of Abris Inc., a startup specializing in frontier technologies, I see AI playing a pivotal role in shaping the future. I expect deeper collaboration between our nations in this area, as AI holds the potential to address global challenges such as food security, climate change, and health—critical issues that require urgent action as we transition toward a more sustainable and inclusive digital future.

Moreover, I’m passionate about how cultural diplomacy can bridge gaps between our countries, fostering a strong exchange of ideas, talent, and innovations. This is especially crucial given the current geopolitical landscape, where enhanced trade and technology partnerships between the US and India not only influence global security but also drive economic resilience.

With this visit coinciding with the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), there is a unique opportunity to prioritize sustainable development goals and address shared global priorities. I’m optimistic that this moment will pave the way for impactful, long-term solutions that will benefit both nations and the world at large.

Hemant Bhatt
Chairman, Asian American Republican Coalition

The biggest highlight of India Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s US visit will be the Quad leaders’ summit in Wilmington in Delaware hosted by US president Joe Biden and his address to the ‘Summit of the Future’ at the United Nations

on the theme of ‘Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow’. He will also address the largest gathering of Indian Americans’ diaspora.

Once banned from entering United States, Modiji, the Prime Minister of world’s largest democracy’s visit here, is, particularly of immense significance, as many parts of the world are in turmoil, engulfed in wars and little hope is seen on the horizon for peace

which may come up during his meetings with President Biden and Republican Party’s nominee for US’s Presidmetial Elections Mr. Donald J. Trump. He may discuss the possibility of a peace accord between Russia and Ukraine, which are countries that have been engaged in war for a very long time and may have something to discuss after his recent visit to both countries.  Also, Indo- American relationships, which are almost directionless at this time, may get a direction, if the President Donald J. Trump is elected as US’s President. The US and India have many things in common and are natural partners for world peace, prosperity and a terrorism free world.

As India takes center stage as the world’s most populous country, one of the fastest growing economies and a powerhouse for tech and innovation, PM Modiji will also be meeting Business Leaders, CEOs of American Corporations to strenghten the

Manufacturing, Trade and Commerce relations with counter patrs in India.  I expect that PM Modiji’s visit to US will not only give new directions to Indo American bilateral relationship, but will also open new avenues for Business, Trade and Commerce.”

Rajendra Vora
Founder & President, Jain Social Group Beverly Hills
International Vice President of Jain Social Group Intl Federation

I join millions of Global Indian Diaspora in welcoming you. You are the beacon of hope not only to Indians in India but globally.  Your message of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” is a reminder to consider the world as a family, and to prioritize the collective good over individual interests.

Your leadership has implemented a Transparent & Corruption-Free Governance. India has become the fastest-growing economy in the world under your leadership.

You focused on giving a boost to Entrepreneurship, Swachh Bharat, Digital India, Make in India, Namami Gange & many more. Your ‘Make in India’ initiative is remarkable. Under your leadership, India has become a fast-growing, diverse economy with a large, skilled workforce. After the launch of Digital India initiative in 2015, India has more than 850 million internet users, enjoying some of the cheapest data costs in the world.

You have leveraged technology to transform Governance, to make it more efficient, inclusive, faster and transparent. Your unique digital identity platform, Aadhaar, covers more than 1.3 billion Indians.

We welcome you to the US.

Ankush Bhandari
Author, Strategic Thinker & Geo-Politics Analyst and a co-founder of CoHNA

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s upcoming visit to the United States from September 21st to 24th, 2024, is poised to be a pivotal moment in global diplomacy.

The visit will commence with the highly anticipated QUAD Summit in Delaware on September 21st, followed by a series of crucial engagements in New York City. These include addressing the Summit for Future, holding meetings with global CEOs, attending diaspora events, and engaging in bilateral discussions with world leaders.

The QUAD Summit, a vital platform for cooperation between India, the United States, Japan, and Australia, will focus on pressing issues such as regional security, Indo-Pacific strategy, and global diplomacy. Chinese increasing aggression every day in the South China Sea is likely to be the hottest topic on the table.

Following this, PM Modi will proceed to New York City to continue his high-profile engagements.

Prime Minister’s first event in New York is an important Diaspora Event from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Nassau Coliseum in Long Island on September 22nd. This is a significant opportunity for PM Modi to address the Indian American community and strengthen the bond between India and its diaspora, which is crucial for fostering strong US-India relations. Modi often highlights the role of the Indian-American community in strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries. He frequently emphasizes the cultural ties between India and the U.S., celebrating Indian heritage and contributions of the diaspora. This helps to enhance the visibility of Indian culture and values in the U.S. and fosters a sense of pride within the community. The same is expected to be repeated this time.

On the 22nd afternoon, PM Modi will meet with American business leaders at his hotel to enhance economic ties and attract investment in key sectors such as technology, energy, and manufacturing. Following this, PM will engage in bilateral discussions with global leaders, demonstrating his commitment to building strong international relationships. Modi’s government has worked to increase trade and investment flows between the two countries. Trade between India and the U.S. has grown, with the U.S. becoming one of India’s largest trading partners. There has been a focus on enhancing investment ties, with American companies showing increased interest in investing in India’s infrastructure, technology, and manufacturing sectors. His administration has aligned closely with the U.S. on regional security issues, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region. Both countries have worked together to ensure maritime security and counter regional threats.

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