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Ann Arbor, MI
Deepak Nagrath, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, has been honored with the U-M College of Engineering-sponsored Departmental Faculty Award by the University of Michigan. Dr. Nagrath was nominated by Biomedical Engineering (BME) in light of recent recognitions for his research program investigating cancer cell metabolism and his national leadership in transcriptional medicine.
Dr. Nagrath is part of the leadership team for the Center for Transcriptional Medicine (CTM), which brings together more than 40 researchers from seven universities with the common goal of alleviating the burden of end-stage organ diseases through mRNA-LNP therapies. This interdisciplinary team of experts fosters collaboration and accelerates the development of exciting findings into clinical populations.
The main goal of the Center for Transcriptional Medicine is to catalyze the generation of a novel approach to reprogram chronically injured tissues and organs. A recent issue of the U-M Rogel Cancer Center’s “Illuminate” magazine highlighted Dr. Nagrath’s work, featuring ways his lab studies how the tumor microenvironment communicates with and fuels cancer cells.
Dr. Nagrath’s research areas focus on what is the role of tumor microenvironment in modulating cancer cell metabolism and develop a personalized metabolic therapy and circulating tumor cell organoids and tumor tissue slices in pancreatic, lung, and breast cancers. With extensive expertise in machine learning, metabolic flux analysis and systems metabolomics, his lab is building new quantitative models to measure flux in brain cancers and their microenvironment.
Michigan BME combines the strengths of two schools that are among the very best in their fields – the U-M College of Engineering and Michigan Medical School.
U-M BME offers collaborative research and educational opportunities through the College of Engineering, the Medical School, and the many globally recognized programs that extend throughout the University of Michigan, which is among the top three public universities in the United States.