
The Freedom of Fierro surprises Audience at TIFF


courtesy TIFF

By Mansi M.


The Freedom of Fierro directed by Santiago Esteinou was presented at the Toronto International Film Festival held in Toronto in September.

Fierro’s story first came to light in 2014 in a documentary called The Freedom of Fierro Review: A Story of Isolation. This documentary prompted lawyers to reopen his case and ultimately give him back his freedom.

Fierro has spent 40 years in prison for a crime he did not commit and the last 20 years in solitary confinement. He is given a small studio apartment in Mexico City and takes his time to leave the apartment as he finds it difficult to be around other people. Fierro shows emotion as he starts to reconnect with people. However, Fierro does sometimes feel he wants to go back to prison because that is where he feels most comfortable.

The audience is especially taken aback by two points. Firstly, Fierro is a very calm individual who has a good handle on his emotions. This comes from his years in prison and having to stay strong in strenuous conditions. And secondly, Fierro who was awaiting his sentence by execution, ends up outliving his mother and brother.

Fierro has become good friends with crew members of the film including the editor and director.  The director Esteinou who first interviewed Fierro in 2009 is interested in the wellbeing of Fierro and is very evident in the film. He helps him a great deal after Fierro is released.

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