
Richard Verma named as US Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery


Our Bureau

Washington, DC

Indian-American Richard Verma has been appointed as the US Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery. In addition to his current role as the Deputy Secretary of State for Management & Resources, he will now be focusing on helping rebuild Ukraine’s economy, which has been severely impacted by the ongoing conflict.

This appointment highlights Verma’s extensive experience and the trust placed in him to handle such a critical task. It’s a significant step in the efforts to support Ukraine’s recovery and stability.

Deputy Secretary of State for Management & Resources Richard Verma will carry forward the work of Special Representative Penny Pritzker in service of the United States’ efforts to support Ukraine’s economic recovery. The Biden administration is committed to helping Ukraine stand strongly on its own feet – militarily, economically, and democratically.

He has served on a number of non-profit boards, including the Ford Foundation, Lehigh University, and the National Endowment for Democracy. Deputy Secretary Verma was a Senior Fellow at Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and he holds multiple academic degrees, including his doctorate (Ph.D.) from Georgetown University and his law degree (J.D.) from American University.

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